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Doctella Pioneers are among the first Doctella Doctors, who are leading a movement towards a higher standard of patient-centered care. We believe educating, engaging, and partnering with our patients will improve outcomes. We also know engaged patients lead to more efficient offices, less cancellations, and increased patient satisfaction.
Doctella Pioneers provide customized answers to common questions about surgery and mobile alerts that help patients and their families know what to do, and why, throughout treatment. We want to make sure our patients are never left guessing, waiting for a phone call, or relying on generic advice on the Internet.
Join the Patient Revolution — Become a Doctella Pioneer!
to be one of the first to offer your patients exclusive tools
For a limited time, become a

Create your personal page to provide patients with CarePrograms and reduce calls to your office
Tools to send alerts and reminders for a procedure so that patients get ready for surgery and recover faster
Chart patients' progress to confirm completion of critical action items in surgical process on the Dashboard
Improve patient satisfaction scores and receive tangible metrics for HCAHPS reporting


Because "I want to give my patients access to accurate, customized information anywhere, anytime."
I'M A Doctella DOCTOR
Beta: Expect continuous updates


50 year old husband helping wife: “This tool is great, just genius. Will definitely be using this throughout my wife’s care. Will particularly be useful to me after surgery when I need to care for my wife. [Doctella] will not only aid her through the process of being engaged, but me as a future caregiver as well. Thanks so much for showing us this!”
50 year old male patient: “After recently having surgery, this app provides great information and insight into my well-being as I recover. I will definitely be using the app the next few week as I recover at home from my surgery. After all my research online there are still answers to questions and instructions here that I have never come across, thanks!”

40 year old daughter helping parents:” This is an extremely valuable resource for those looking to have larger roles in the conversation with their doctor. I have to show this to my parents, it will be a huge help in helping them prepare for their upcoming doctors visits.”

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