Doctella Delivers A Whole New World
of Patient Education
Through a special partnership with Krames/Staywell, Doctella now powers the Krames Health Engagement Platform. It allows physicians to communicate more effectively with patients and include a variety of proven patient education content and media via the Krames Health Library.

Doctella Puts Patients Back at the
Center of their Care

When patients are informed and active participants in their care, the outcomes are simply better. Doctella is designed to empower patients with actionable, timely knowledge to improve the care they receive.

Right Now, Doctors Don’t Have
an Effective Way to Give Patients
the Information They Need
Patients get fragments of information - a photocopied sheet, a pamphlet or other instructions that are often disjointed and confusing. Patients feel powerless, and doctors are frustrated. Both want a better way.

When Doctors and Patients Don’t Communicate, Mistakes Can Happen
Preventable medical errors are now the third leading cause of death in the United States.* Often these errors could have been avoided with better communication between doctors and patients.
*Journal of Patient Safety, September 2013

Doctella CarePrograms are built on our exclusive Smartlist framework based on well-founded implementation science that has shown to improve patient outcomes. This interactive, effective communication gives patients actionable information at the right time. Providers can create, manage, update and customize content and easily monitor patient compliance.
The science behind Smartlists has been covered in NEJM Catalyst. Read about it here.
Doctella’s Innovative CarePrograms
Improve Doctor-Patient Communication

How Doctella Works: Mario's Example

Provides CarePrograms and doctor-developed FAQs
Patients can use at home, on the go, or at point of care
Easy monitoring of patient progress and compliance
Send text, app, and email reminders to patients
Physicians can customize content presented to patients
Delivers patient education information and videos
Engages Patients Throughout the
Entire Continuum of Care

Doctella can be used as a standalone platform or can be integrated into an EHR system for a seamless experience.

Doctor-customizable checklists give patients and caregivers the information they need when they need it.
Text, app and email reminders and alerts encourage patient participation
Ensure's compliance, reduces complications, prevents errors, and improves outcomes.
Physicians can customize the content patients receive: detailed instructions, medication tips, or any content they choose.
Patients can view CarePrograms on their smart phone, tablet or computer.
CarePrograms Help Patients, Caregivers and Families Participate in their Own Care

Dashboard Allows Providers to
Monitor Patients Quickly and Easily
At-a-glance patient monitoring
Care Coordinators see a green or red light for CareProgram actions
Can make decisions on when follow-up is needed

60% decrease in
same-day surgery
57% decrease in
ED visits and
15% decrease in
phone calls to
physician practice
Doctella Demonstrates Promising
Early Outcomes

What Patients Are Saying

50 year old husband helping wife: “This tool is great, just genius. Will definitely be using this throughout my wife’s care. Will particularly be useful to me after surgery when I need to care for my wife. [Doctella] will not only aid her through the process of being engaged, but me as a future caregiver as well. Thanks so much for showing us this!”
50 year old male patient: “After recently having surgery, this app provides great information and insight into my well-being as I recover. I will definitely be using the app the next few week as I recover at home from my surgery. After all my research online there are still answers to questions and instructions here that I have never come across, thanks!”

40 year old daughter helping parents:” This is an extremely valuable resource for those looking to have larger roles in the conversation with their doctor. I have to show this to my parents, it will be a huge help in helping them prepare for their upcoming doctors visits.”

Doctella Supports Care Instructions to Patients From Multiple Providers

Patients are often under the care of multiple physicians. Doctella can become the single source of information for patients to interact with all their doctors to receive their care instructions, ask questions and and even share the information with caregivers. Simply, Doctella puts the power of healthcare information into the patients' hands.